
1 (800) JANIKING

dan king - the millionaire success stories

Hard Work Pays Off For Jorge Coste

For 10 years Jorge Coste has been working hard to achieve success as a Franchise Owner managing a daytime job and taking care of his Jani-King Franchise. Finally, Jorge has decided to step forward to be dedicated full time to his Franchise, we value the determination and effort and we are proud to have Jorge on our team looking forward to seeing all the great things we know he will accomplish in the upcoming years!

Mr. Coste first cold called this facility in Sept 2018 when he moved to that area of Tampa. He followed up on a regular basis and noticed their hard floors were in poor shape. Jorge showed the prospective customer pictures of his floor work at another facility and his persistence paid off with the opportunity to bid several locations. Congratulations Jorge on this Big Win.

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