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Bring Back Hotel Customer Satisfaction with Hotel Cleaning

While customer expectations are rising, their satisfaction with hotels has plummeted, one recent study reveals. The J.D. Power and Associates 2011 North America Hotel Guest Satisfaction Index Study reports that customers are less happy with hotels and services than in the previous year. Beginning with hotel cleaning, there are efforts management can make to boost customer satisfaction.

Hotel Cleaning

The cleanliness of a room is one of the first things a guest will notice upon entering. That first glance around the room can greatly impact the enjoyment of their stay. Who currently provides your hotel cleaning services? Maybe it’s time to reevaluate whether your provider understands the importance of customer satisfaction, and follows superior processes to gain the approval of your guests.


As the economy improves hotel occupancy will rise, which is good. However, a customer may not see it this way. Lines at check-in are longer, nicer rooms may not be as available for upgrades, and finding a spot by the pool may be slightly harder. Accommodate for these situations. Bring an extra employee to the front desk until things slow down, honor return customers, and invest in a few more pool chairs. Small gestures make all the difference.


Almost one-fifth of the surveyed customers reported experiencing a problem during their visit. Though they’re often very minor, they can create a lasting impression. These issues range from noise to internet speed. Train staff to really listen to customers’ complaints, and fix them immediately. If one person is bothered, they probably aren’t alone.

Hotels can ensure customer satisfaction by attending to the details, and changing what may not be working, like quality hotel cleaning. With customized cleaning programs, flexible schedules and background checks on employees, Jani-King Commercial Cleaning services knows hospitality. Allow them to help improve customer satisfaction, one spotless room at a time.

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