
1 (800) JANIKING

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Build Your Support Network, Build Your Business!

The practice of removing yourself from the daily operation of your franchise and looking down on it will help you see the problems that are stopping you from growing your business. Clearly defining what keeps you from moving forward and creating action plans to fix those problems is a necessary task that should be part of your business plan.

We all know that it is easier said than done; however, building a solid support network within your franchise will help eliminate the problems that distract you from fully understanding your operation.

Ask yourself:

  • Who are the key players in my organization?
  • Who can I count on when I have an issue to be there and help?

You must identify these key players, and if you cannot, you need to look to get some on your team. Growth is not an accident; it happens with well-planned objectives and following through on that plan. It would help if you positioned yourself as a Jani-King franchise to be financially and operationally ready when offered a new account. Sit down with your Regional Director or Brand Manager and find out what that plan may look like. Use the support tools you already have access to and follow through on those actions.

As you grow your support network, you will realize that the larger your network is, the larger your company will grow, the fewer headaches you will have as a business owner, and you will indeed find the greatness you are capable of.

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