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Jani-King Unit Franchisee Recognized

2010-03-23Jani-King Unit Franchisee RecognizedJani-King International, the world’s largest commercial cleaning franchise company, recently recognized Unit Franchisee Craig Taylor for his outstanding service in the Atlanta market.

Unit Franchisee Recognized

(03/23/10) Addison, TX – Jani-King
International, the world’s largest commercial cleaning franchise company, recently
recognized Unit Franchisee Craig Taylor for his outstanding service in the
Atlanta market.

Taylor outperformed more than 13,000 other franchisees around the world to
be recognized as the Crown Club Winner, an honor bestowed upon the company’s unit
franchise owner that signs the most business during the previous year. 

In addition to participating in the awards presentation at Jani-King’s
Annual Convention attendees shared ideas during peer-to-peer workshops covering
multiple topics including healthcare services, improved cleaning practices, account
inspections and more. 

The entire conference agenda is designed to provide Jani-King’s Regional
Directors and Master Franchise Owners with the most up-to-date information and
best practices in order for them to best support local, unit franchisees.  Jani-King’s partners including 3M, Triple S,
Rubbermaid, Nilfisk-Advance and others also played a key role in the success of
the conference as they demonstrated the latest products and technology in the
cleaning industry.

Addison, TX

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